Authorised by J.D. Hodges, 77 Flaxton Mill Road, Flaxton. 4560 for the Motorists Party.
Please stand with me and do what is right. Strive for the Good. Aim high, and leave things better than we found them.
Let’s walk in the footsteps of the other great statesmen and women of honesty, integrity, and dedication to serve the people of our communities – not the whims of multi-national corporations or other countries.
At the moment, all political parties are corrupted by political donations – essentially ‘bribed’ to do the bidding of their biggest donors : the banks, large mining and resource companies, big pharma and agro-chemical companies or other countries (eg. China). It’s time to not allow the interests of the Australian people to be bought by the highest bidder.
Please join and support the Civil Liberties & Motorists Party.
Our key policies are outlined below, and I ask you to please vote for us, and help us “drive positive change”.
Live Free!
Jeff Hodges
End the toll road rip-offs, get rid of fixed speed cameras, and abolish the State Penalties Enforcement Registry (SPER) which is a draconian, gestapo-like agency that is out of control and has unfairly punished thousands of ordinary people.
At present, the banks and other financial institutions are a law unto themselves, deceiving, over-charging and ripping off people. It’s time to reform the financial sector and re-establish a state-owned and controlled people’s bank to provide a safe haven for people's deposits, and to fund nation building infrastructure.
Privatisation of public assets has led to increased prices and poorer service. Keep all essential services (power, water, roads, etc) publicly owned and controlled. No more privatisation or ‘public – private partnerships’. No more secret deals and hiding behind ‘commercial in confidence’ tricks to conceal these deals from public scrutiny.
Our democratic institutions are being threatened by the increasing power of private corporations and globalist bureaucracies such as the UN. We must maintain our sovereign rights as a nation to determine our own future by withdrawing from any trade agreements or treaties that are not in Australia’s best interests. Reform land ownership so that only Australians can own residential and farming land.
Introduce a 'Bill Of Rights' to protect our rights and liberties: free speech; the right to refuse unwanted medications, micro-chipping, etc without discrimination; the right to bear arms; etc. Give local communities the power to veto unwanted developments - be they Coal Seam Gas mines; shopping centres; mobile phone towers; high rise developments; etc.
Restore the proper functioning of our original Commonwealth Constitution (1901) and strengthen our democracy by facilitating the implementation of genuine citizen initiated referendums, (not ‘plebicites’), that are binding upon governments to implement if passed by a clear majority.
Remove tax loopholes and end negative gearing to make the rich and large corporations pay proper tax. Ban financial donations to political parties to end corruption and influence pedalling.
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are a danger to human health and the environment and we call for a complete ban on all foods containing GMOs. Subsidise Organic farmers and assist other farmers to transition to organic methods.
Politicians and public servants are there to serve, not feather their own nests and receive elaborate perks that ordinary Australians don’t get. Slash their bloated salaries, pensions and perks.
No one wants to see animals suffer needlessly, and we support the humane treatment and care for animals domestically and commercially.
Fluoride is a TOXIC POISON and the prestigious Cochrane Scientific Review of 2015 has shown it has little benefit in preventing dental caries, and is actually harmful to human nervous and skeletal systems. We will put an immediate stop to this outdated and ill-informed practice.
Reduce credit card interest rates and stop Credit Card companies and big businesses from profiteering by charging 'surcharge' fees.
Stop putting our brightest young people into huge debts before they even have a job! Support deserving students with a free living wage while they study, like we used to.
Preserve important native wilderness areas and wildlife habitats. Plant millions of trees to provide both a valuable renewable resource and revitalise our timber industries.
Make the wealthy pay their fair share of tax, NOT increase the tax burden on ordinary Australians.
Enforce Honesty in Product Labelling - including genuine country of origin, GMO labelling, etc.
Authorised by J.D. Hodges, 77 Flaxton Mill Road, Flaxton. 4560 for the Motorists Party.
Join The Motorists Party
by Dr Cameron Richards
We all want people to be safe, but the ridiculous restrictions on our normal lives and liberties are doing MORE harm to MORE people than the virus ever will! Surely a better solution is to protect the elderly and vulnerable …. and let the rest of us get back to work and our normal lives!
Here’s a quote from Jeanette Young, Qld’s chief medical officer about covid19: “Most cases would not be severe…. 80 per cent of them will get a very mild disease — they’ll possibly hardly even know they’ve got anything” [Source: ABC News]
We want to ‘stay positive’, but there comes a time when it’s necessary to call out tyranny and injustice for what it is. Let’s not ‘look on the bright side’ – when un-elected bureaucrats are taking away our hard-won freedoms. We cannot sit by and accept the oppressive, police state powers that have unreasonably been thrust upon us – when there is another solution.
Please – don’t just ‘think positive’ … think critically, and question what you’re being spoon-fed by ‘authorities’ and the corrupt mainstream media.
We were told back in January that 50,000 – 100,000 Australians would die, yet after six months there have been just 361 deaths. These unreasonable restrictions are not really about ‘saving lives’ – 8,500 children die every day from hunger: deaths that that could easily be saved with a fraction of the money currently being spent on this fake ‘pandemic’ if governments really cared about ‘saving lives’. No, this is about restricting our basic rights and freedoms and conditioning us to obey without question. Obey the government. Obey the doctor. Obey the bureaucrats. Obey the ‘authorities’ ….. Or else.
Will you accept even more government control, government restrictions on our freedoms, government regulations and government demands ….. or will you speak out; will you resist?
Join the Resistance.
We can care for the elderly and vulnerable without these crazy restrictions. Protect them, and let the rest of us have our lives back!
Jeffrey Hodges B.Sc. M.Sc.(Hons) B.Ed.
Founder & Secretary